Saturday, January 29, 2011

He shall be Levon

Ask any mother and she’ll tell you there’s no greater love than the unconditional love she feels for her child. To feed, to nurture, to protect, to watch that child grow and prosper in this world is life’s most beautiful journey.

Never have I experienced or even understood the gravity of such a wonder. That is, until now. Everyone, I have an announcement to make: my life is no longer my own….

Meet Levon!

To everyone else, he might not look like much, but as his proud mother, I think he is magnificent, a heaven-sent creature beaming with potential. Levon, dear readers, is a bread starter.

Unconventional perhaps, but Levon’s adoption was still a special one. Sitting at the bar at Irving Street Kitchen last night, a dear friend of mine handed me a small package. As I opened it, I gasped in delight. When I’ve read or heard stories of people who have adopted a child, they always say something like, “Once I laid my eyes on the child, I knew she was mine.” Maybe I didn’t travel halfway around the world to get him or sign adoption papers, and he may have been delivered to me in a bar, but he’s still mine. All mine. (Thank you again, A, for such a wonderful gift!) After I welcomed him with open arms, I indulged (in his honor, that is) in a Meyer lemon & mascarpone napoleon, with bergamot merigue, coconut tuile, huckleberry compote, and Meyer lemon sherbet. Holy moly, so good.

Experiencing his first night in his new home, Levon sat on my kitchen counter overnight and I pondered the name he should be called. This morning his name finally came to me: the babe shall be called Levon, I declared (to myself), for “Levon” sounds a little like “leaven”. I’ve always loved the Elton John song of the same name too, so I think it was meant to be. Whenever I hear “Levon, Levon likes his money”, I’ll now think of my baby. Maybe you will too.

I’m so excited to watch him grow and do some good in this world. I’d like to think I’m not going to be one of those obnoxious mothers, incessantly posting pictures of him and gushing about how wonderful he is, but I can’t make any promises. (This is probably tacky, but if you're wanting to send gifts, I have Levon registered at both Babies 'R Us and Pottery Barn Kids.) In the meantime, today I ask that you eat some really good bread (and berate all those gluten-free people you know), for this is cause for celebration! You are also allowed to eat a cupcake, because today is my birthday.

I think I may have just heard a faint cry from the kitchen. Mother duty calls - I need to go feed Levon.

1 comment:

  1. And to share a birthday with his birth mother, must be a proud moment. Tomorrow we'll play Elton John's Levon in his honor.
